Saturday, 25 November 2017
Tuesday, 21 November 2017
~ कमलजीत की साइकिल ~
Saturday, 18 November 2017
~ भाग्य ~
Sunday, 12 November 2017
Public Administration for CGPSC mains (English Medium) -
The word organization is originated from the word organism which means A unionized body which is dependent on each other by mutual activity.Organization is a type of structure by which we can utilize the human resourcs, goods and wealth in a proper manner for a fixed aim.
Definitions -
Muni - Every human gathering which is for the Fulfillment of a Mutual purpose is a aspect of organization.
simon - Organization means a systematic arrangement for the cooperative experiments in which every individual have their own defined role, character and responsibility.
chestor barnard - Organization is a set of deliberated activity and power of two or more than two people.
Elements of organization -
- Every organization has a fixed purpose.
- Co-ordination within the functional area.
- it is a group of people.
- communication between the members.
Types -
1. Formal Organization
2. Informal Organization
1. Formal Organization -
Formal Organization is a type of organization having a fixed purpose in which the work nature and rights are defined for every individual.
Elements -
1. It is made with full of consciousness.
2. Strictly Based on principles.
3. Work, rights and responsibilities are very clear in every step.
4. Tied by laws, Provisions and procedures.
5. It accept organization as a machine and individual as a tool.
6. It allows only work related deals.
7. it is mechanical in nature.
Benefits -
1. Easy for achieving the defined goal.
2. Fully Planned.
3. Clearance
4. Accountability
5. Less chances of dispute between employees.
6. No repetition of work and effective time management.
7. A Feeling of high morale and security between the employees.
8. Effective Organizational skills and positive impacts.
Defects -
1. No importance to human feelings and values
2. Narrow perspective of workers, lack of initiative.
3. mechanical
4. defects of beaurocracy, Red-tapism.
5. problems in informal transmission
6. lacking in coordination
7. Usage of power in achieving political and individual welfare.
2. Informal Organization -
Informal Organization gradually established inside the formal organization. In any organization an individual creates an informal organization by carrying his own interest, desire objectives and problems.
it is also called as socio-psychological organization.
Elements -
1. Spontaneous formation
2. No blue print
3. Established inside formal organization
4. Prioritity to the individual's affiliations
5. Importance of individual goals as compare to the organizational goals
6. Collective feeling.
Benefits -
1. Fulfill the drawbacks of informal organization and stabilize the system.
2. Satisfaction to the employees, recreation, debate discussions and stress relief, increased confidence.
3. Very Important for transmission
4. Helpful in solving controversies.
5. Reduce management problems.
6. Help, coordination and the feeling of Sacrifice
prevalent in the organization.
1. Due to its rebellious nature, Disarrangement increased.
2. Lack of individual's decision making capacity.
3. Circulation of false and misguided news/information.
4. Temporary and short-life term.
5. it is formed on the basis of caste, language, gender, age.
6. Affecting the innovative steps of management.
• Principles of Organization -
It describes the essential techniques related to organization which is developed time to time for the improved workmanship.
It mainly contains hierarchy, unity of command , span of control, analysis and responsibility.
Characteristics -
- It is made on the basis of Ongoing Conclusion.
- Principles of Organization is the product of sincere, deliberate and continues research by administrative bodies.
- it is respectable in nature.
- it is not absolute.
Objections -
- Many writers and thinkers criticize Principles of Organization by calling it a fiction or phrase.
- it is also said that for every principle there is a parallel obstructive/opposite principle.
- Principles of Public administration is not a law of physics which will always right at every point and everytime.
• Principles of Hierarchy ( Scalar System) -
Hierarchy means a rule by a superior to the lower level or a person with higher post rule his subordinates.
The actual meaning of hierarchy is step-wise distribution of power and the rights and responsibilities are well defined for every individual who work in a system.
Characteristics of Hierarchy -
1. Pyramidal structure, chairmen is always in the top.
2. Administrative bodies are bifurcated in units and sub-units.
3. Authoritative, power is distributed from upper level to the lower.
4. Responsibility according to the authority.
5. It follows the unity of command.
6. The units of organization are well organized and correlated to each other.
7. Harmony in between every unit of the organization.
8. Command and direction passed from each and every step.
Merits -
1. Decision making by a leadership.
2. regulate unity of command.
3. Communication processes are assigned and managed from the earlier.
4. Delegation of Authority is possible.
5. Coordination and integration.
6. Well separation of work.
7. Organized transmission and functioning.
1. Unnecessary delay in functioning.
2. Neglects personal affiliation(terms).
3. less flexible, nasty organization.
4. wastage of money
5. mechnical
6. problems of red-tapism in bureaucracy.
Note :- Thinker Henry fayol gave gangplank theory and Lyndall Urwick and Gullick gave few theories to minimize the defects of hierarchy.
• Unity of command -
Unity of command means a servant(employee) got an order by an officer or a servant should work under the control and supervision of an officer.
Unity of command follows the hierarchical process of any organization in which a higher rank officer give orders to the lower rank officer. and hence the lower rank officer will always report to the higher level.
Characteristics -
1. Work regulation in appropriate manner.
2. Ideal to hierarchical process.
3. One man one master policy.
4. Responsibilities are well defined.
5. political affiliation are well defined.
6. Unity is important as compare to the command.
Significance -
1. Restrain disarrangement.
2. well-functioned due to the clear allocation of Power and responsibility.
3. Coordination in between higher post and lower post.
4. worked in an appropriate way.
5. Establishing Discipline.
6. Developing the skill and workship of the system.
1. Dominance of work- character
2. bureaucracy, redtapism
3. dictatorship
4. No use for the techincal organizations.
Note :- Henry fayol said - Due to the violation of unity of command, undisciplined activities are prevalent, organizational breakdown may happen and hence the stability of the system is in danger.
• Span of Control -
An officer analyse and control the work and dedication of those employees who work under his supervision. this is called as span of control.
This particular term is directly interlinked with the discipline, carriage and workmanship of any system.
In general span of control is identified by these factors -
1. Functions
2. Time
3. space
Backgrounds affecting Span of control -
1. Individual background
2. Human background
3. Technological background
4. Organizational background
Problems -
1. The number of the people are less who came under the span of control.
2. If we reduce span of control,decision making is increased and on the other hand if we increase span of control, decision making process is reduced.
• Centralization -
When power or authority centralized on a higher level, it is known as centralization. In centralization one person has the power to decide, command and control the system.
Benefits/significance/relevance/Characteristics -
1. Powerful and effective control
2. effective and strong coordination
3. Certainty and oneness in administration
4. Integrated Decision
5. Beneficial for the nation and decline regional factors
6. Important during the emergency condition
7. Providence in administration
8. Prohibit work repeatation.
9. Restrict the misuse of power.
1. Increased dictatorship
2. Work Delay due to redtapism
3. Chances of error in decisions
4. immense control
5. Unpopular
6. Strength in administration
7. Negligence of local bodies
8. Undemocratic principle
9. less experiments of delegation of authority.
• Decentralization -
The transference of power from the upper level to the lower is called decentralization.
where the decision making rights are equally divided into several units. in this process the role of subordinates is very crucial and effective.
1. seperation of power
2. autonomy
3. transference of the responsibilities
4. Effective role of the Local lower level officers
Types of decentralization -
1. Administrative decentralization
2. Executive decentralization
3. Political decentralization
4. Geographical decentralization
Merits -
1. Excessive Democratic rule
2. Fast decisions, improved administrative functioning.
3. Flexibility in administration, depleting redtapism
4. New innovations in administration
5. Decisions in accordance with the local requirement
6. Popular rule, importance of public sentiments.
7. Rapid solution of local problems
8. Workload is reduced in the headquarters.
Demerits -
1. Uniformity in administration and Lack of certainty
2. Absence of Centralize control
3. Misuse of power
4. Disdain national interest, inappropriate during crisis.
5. Dissipation
6. Problem in coordinating
7. Repetition of work
8. Vivid spirit in local and regional areas.
9. Corruption, worse administration and vice versa.
Factors affecting Centralization and Decentralization -
(i) Factor Responsibility
(ii) Factor of Administration
(iii) Functional Factor
(iv) External Factor
Friday, 10 November 2017
Reading List followup -
The Life of Mahatma Gandhi / The Life of Lenin / Gandhi- His Life & Message For The World
Karl Marx:
Das Capital / Communist Manifesto, Etc.
F. Engles:
The Origin of The Family, Private Property & The State
Amartya Sen:
Development As Freedom / Poverty And Famines / On Economic Inequality / India- Directions of Development
David Dickson:
The Politics Of Alternative Technology
Bertrand Russel:
Fourth International Conference on World Politics
D. F. Fleming:
The Cold War & Its Origin
R. L. Heil Broner:
The Future as History
H. C. Hilton:
Major Government of Asia
The Third World without Super Powers
Peter Lyon:
F. H. Hinsley:
Power and the Pursuit of Peace
The Prince
Richard W. Alstyne:
The Rising American Empire
Dr. Benjamin:
State and Nation
J. L. Brierly:
The Law of Nations
Louis J. Halle:
The Nature of Power
W. S. Smith:
Islam in Modern History
J. Krishnamurti:
Freedom From The Known / Beyond Violence / Urgency of Change / Krishnamurti on Education / Education & Significance of Life / True Meditation / Truth & Actuality
J. L. Nehru:
Discovery of India / Glimpse of The World History
Indian Philosophies / Mahatma Gandhi
All Major Writings
R. N. Tagore:
All Workings Translated in Hindi or English
D. G. Tendulkar:
Mahatma (vol. I to VIII)
A. Nagraj:
Jivan Vidya Ek Parichay / Vyawharatmak Janvad / Karm Darshan / Abhyas Darshan / Vyawharvadi Samajshastra / Manviya Vyawhar Darshan / Manviya Paribhasha Sanhita, Etc.
Peter Watson:
A Terrible Buety (The People and Ideas That Shaped the Modern Mind)
P. Hardy:
The Muslim of British India
Indo-Pak Relations:
Foundation of Pakistan- All India Muslim League–Documents
The Indian Muslim- A Documentary Record
The Concept of an Islamic State- Ishtiaq Ahmad
Paradoxes of Partition (1937-47)
Gandhi- Jinnah Talks
Writings & Speechs of Maulana Mohammad Ali
Speeches by Quid-I-Azam Mohd Ali Jinnah
Pathway to Pakistan
Islamization of Pakiatan
Religion and Politics in Pakistan
India Wins Freedom- Maulana Abul Kalam Azad
Students in Islamic Culture in Indian Environment– Aziz Ahmad
A History of the Idea of Pakistan- K.K. Aziz
Indian Muslim and Ideology of the Secular State– Zia-Ul-Hassan-Faruqi
Sigmund Freud:
Interpretation Of Dreams
John Dewey:
The Great Chain of Being
M. K. Gandhi:
An Autobiography / Social Service, Work & Reform / Satyagrah in South Africa / Constructive Programme / Truth is God / Trusteeship / Village Industries / Non Violence in Peace & War / My Socialism
Moved by Love / Science and Self Knowledge / Thoughts on Education / Democratic Values / Women’s Power / Swarajya Shashtra
R. M. Lohia:
History of Socialist Movement / Caste System / Wheel of History
J. P. Narayan:
Total Freedom / Swaraj for The People / MERI VICHAR YATRA- I&II
Religion of Love / Thoughts on Spiritual Life / Spiritual Practice / Raj Yoga/ Prem Yoga/ Karma Yoga/ Bhakti Yoga/ Jnana Yoga / What Religion Is? / Lectures from Colombo to Almora
J. C. Kumarappa:
Economy of Permanence / Swaraj for The Masses
Ayn Rand:
The Fountain Head / We The Living / Atlas Shrugged
War and Peace / Anna Karenina / Hamare Jamane ki Gulami / Punrutthan / Various Short Stories and Plays.
Albert Einstein:
Ideas and Opinions / Out of My Later Years / My Views, Etc.
Western Philosophies on Politics, Sociology, Meta Physics, Social Construction, Micro & Macro Movements Etc.
Indian Literature of Different Languages and Cultures.
Religious Books: Mahabharata/ Geeta/ Ramayana/ Quran/ Bible, Etc.
Major Writings of: Gorki, Chekhow, Mikhaiel Sholokhow, Dostobaski, Georgi Plekhanov, Khalil Gibran, Lenin, Mao, Jean-Paul Satre, Simone de Beauvoir, Krupskaya, Che, Mery Wolstencraft, and others.
Thursday, 9 November 2017
भतीजे को पत्र 2 -
A dream based on true events
A - मेरा नंबर कहाँ से मिला?
B - सपने में।
A - फालतू परेशान मत करिए।
B - सच में यकीन कीजिए, सपने में ही मिला है।
A - आप हो कौन?
B - मैं गणित का प्रोफेसर हूं, एक कालेज में पढ़ाता हूं।
A - कहाँ से हो?
B - होशंगाबाद।
A - ये कहाँ है?
B - मध्यप्रदेश राज्य।
A - अच्छा ठीक है। पर ये ऐसे कैसे मिल गया नंबर?
B - मुझे भी नहीं पता। आप ही ने तो सपने में आकर दिया है। पीली साड़ी पहनी थी आपने।
A - हद है यार तब से फेके जा रहे हो।
B - ब्लाक कर दीजिएगा नंबर लेकिन मैं सच कह रहा हूं।
A - मुझे ऐसे सच को मान के पागल नहीं होना।
B - ठीक है पर ये तो बताओ तुम कहाँ से हो?
A - पंजाब।
B - तुम क्या स्टुडेंट हो?
A - हां, चलो बाय अभी रखती हूं।
B - ओके बाय। क्या फिर से बात करोगी?
A - नहीं पता जी।
B - ठीक है।
Wednesday, 8 November 2017
ROUGH COPY - A Short Love Story, Part-4
रफ काॅपी - Part 4
लगभग महीने भर के बाद ----
अनिरूद्ध - हैलो, शालिनी कैसी हो? मैं बोल रहा हूं अनिरूद्ध।
शालिनी(गुस्से में) - ठीक हूं। फोन रखो। क्यों काॅल किया?
अनिरूद्ध - मैं तुम्हारे शहर में हूं।
शालिनी - पर मैं नहीं हूं।
अनिरूद्ध - सच कह रही हो? मैंने तो तुम्हें देखा आज।
शालिनी - किसी और को देखा होगा। मैं मौसी के घर हूं।
अनिरूद्ध - अच्छा! फिर वो स्कार्फ में कौन था?
शालिनी - कहा न मैं नहीं हूं अभी हिमाचल में। खामखां तुम्हें गलतफहमी हो रही है।
अनिरूद्ध - ओ! सुनो स्कार्फ डालकर घूमने वाली, तुम्हारी आंखें अभी भी पहचानता हूं। साल भर बाद देख रहा हूं तो क्या भूल जाऊंगा। मुझे पता है तुम हिमाचल में हो।
शालिनी - हां हूं हिमाचल में। तो क्या हुआ?
अनिरूद्ध - कुछ नहीं हुआ यार। एक बात कहनी है।
शालिनी - कहो?
अनिरूद्ध - दूर हो जाओगी, छुप जाओगी, कभी दिखाई न दोगी फिर भी उस स्कार्फ का रंग कैसे बदलोगी। मैं तो उस कपड़े के रंग को आज भी पहचानता हूं। ठीक है चलो बदल लेना स्कार्फ, कोई दूसरे रंग का ले लेना, लेकिन अपनी उन आंखों को कैसे छुपाओगी जो तुम्हारी पहचान है। मैं तो उन आंखों को देखते ही पहचान लेता हूं।
शालिनी - हां तो क्या करूं, घर से निकलना छोड़ दूं। इस बात के लिए कि तुम मुझे पहचान लेते हो।
अनिरूद्ध - तुम्हें जहाँ जाना है जाओ मुझे इसमें क्या आपत्ति क्या हो सकती है, वैसे भी कुछ दिन में वापस दिल्ली लौट जाउंगा। पर मुझसे यूं झूठ तो मत बोला करो। हां अब से तुम्हें झूठ बोलना ही होगा तो कोई ऐसा तरीका ढूंढ लेना जिससे कि मैं तुम्हारी आंखें भी ना देख पाऊं।
शालिनी - तुम आंखें न देखने की बात कहते हो। मेरा बस चले तो मैं ये स्कार्फ भी ना पहनूं। हिमाचल में वैसे भी कौन सा प्रदूषण है जो मुझे स्कार्फ की जरुरत होने लगी।
अनिरूद्ध - अच्छा! ये तो अच्छी बात है तुम्हें गलती से कभी देख लिया करूंगा मैं। मत पहनना स्कार्फ।
शालिनी - ओह! इतना आसान है क्या। तुम लोगों ने बिना स्कार्फ के घूमने लायक माहौल बनाया है हम लड़कियों के लिए जो इतनी बड़ी बात कह रहे।
अनिरूद्ध - मैं कौन होता हूं माहौल बनाने बिगाड़ने वाला। मुझे तो यही लगता है कि स्कार्फ त्वचा की सुरक्षा के लिए होता है अब ये तुम कुछ नया बता रही हो।
शालिनी - हां भई, हर कोई साल भर त्वचा की सुरक्षा के लिए ही पहनता है। हमें तो मानो जैसे कोई समस्या ही नहीं है इन घूरने वालों की बिरादरी से। तुम अपने सोच के दायरे को पर्यावरण प्रदूषण तक ही सीमित रखना। वरना भारी काम हो जाएगा। इतना मत सोचने लग जाना हमारे बारे में। होना वैसे भी कुछ नहीं है। बस कानून बनवाते रहना हम लड़कियों की सुरक्षा के लिए। बस यही कर सकते हो।
अनिरूद्ध - सुनो मैं किसी को नहीं घूरता। बिरादरी में पता कर लेना। हां मानता हूं वो एक समय था जब कभी घूर लिया करते थे पर अब ये हरकतें नहीं करता मैं, ठीक है।
शालिनी - वाह वाह! तो अपनी बिरादरी में बाकियों को भी थोड़ा गुरू मंत्र दे दिया करो।
अनिरूद्ध - सबके अपने-अपने शौक हैं, नजरिए हैं, मानसिकताओं की जकड़न है। जिसकी जैसी कंडिशनिंग होगी वे उस हिसाब से बर्ताव करें। अगर उन्हें घूरना ठीक लगता हो तो फिर मैं कौन होता हूं, मेरा औचित्य शून्य है। हां जब कभी उन्हें अटपटा लगे, वो खुद अपना सही गलत देख लें। अब इसमें मैं किसी को क्यों परेशान करूं। मैं क्यों किसी की बैचेनी बनूं। तुम इसे रहने दो। कुछ और बात करो।
शालिनी - कब जा रहे?
अनिरूद्ध - कल सुबह की बस है।
शालिनी - फिर कब आओगे?
अनिरूद्ध - पता नहीं।
शालिनी - अच्छा एक बात सच-सच बताओ, मेरे बारे में सोचते हो?
अनिरूद्ध - हां।
शालिनी - ठीक है, तुम्हें सोचना भी चाहिए।
अनिरूद्ध - हां, और तुम्हें भरोसा रखना चाहिए।
शालिनी - सब कुछ अब तुम पर निर्भर करता है। ठीक है चलो रखती हूं, अच्छे से जाना।
अनिरूद्ध - हां, ठीक है। अलविदा।
शालिनी - अलविदा।
To be Continued ...