Tuesday, 19 December 2023

North East Ride Expenses -

20 Nov-
food and tea - 100 rs. ( jharkhand, dhaba
dinner - 120 ( veg restaurent, bodhgaya)
Petrol - 500, ( od) , 800 ( Jh)

21 Nov-
Anaar, ORS, surf, lunch  (80+25+10+190) - 305

22 Nov -
camera, puri, chaat, banana, coffee lassi, museum, dahi vada (120+35+15+20+330+60+10+25+) - 615
Homestay rent - 1500

23 nov -
air, petrol, breakfast, frooty, water, lunch, petrol, lunch, milk(10+900+50+25+20+70+500+50+25) - 1625

24 nov -
breakfast, lunch bengali thali, dinner (60+273+ 120
rent in siliguri - 1200

25 Nov -
breakfast, petrol, chain tight, lunch( 90+700+20+ 135)

26 Nov -
breakfast, juice, breakfast, shopping, thukpa, war memorial ticket, samosa ( 50+50+40+330+80+50+20)
Pelling rent - 609 rs. 

27 Nov -
Rent in Ghoom - 1600
breakfast, lunch  ( 70+280+

28 Nov -
orange juice and fruit+ parking and ticket, momo ( 130, 50, 30, 20, 70 )
aura homes gangtok rent - 1423 

29 Nov -
mochilero rent - 1200
maggi, paratha, petrol, soap (140, 500, 20 )

30 Nov -
260, 30 ( lunch, coffee )

1 Dec -
lunch+dinner in aurahomes, orange, bike wash, subway, chicken roll, parking, mithai, lower  ( 440, 50, 100, 198, 80, 10, 65, 1012 )

2 Dec -
hostel rent - 600
breakfast, fuel, dorm assam, fuel, lunch, bathroom use, fuel, dinner, water ( 50, 500, 386, 500, 170, 5, 500, 150, 20 )

3 Dec -
amazon pay later due - 3073
water, flower, breakfast, fuel, coffee ( 20,40, 136, 800, 334 )

4 Dec -
bridge ticket, pineapple, water and juice, bike ticket, tea, soup ( 50, 150, 50, 30, 10, 100 )

5 Dec -
lunch, phe phe falls ( 470, 100 )

6 dec
petrol, inner line permit nagaland, lunch, petrol, juice, millet beer ( 900, 50, 90, 600, 55, 100 )

7 dec -
chicken and rice beer ( 300, 

8 dec -
chicken roll, tea, wine, food and rice beer( 120, 20, 100, 450 )

9 dec -
community library book contribution, lunch, coffee, ( 100, 260, 110

10 dec -
muffler ( 450 )

11 dec -
rent hornbill - 5800
chain tight, lunch, fuel ( 20, 130, 500 )

12 dec -
breakfast, fruit, rent, bike service, lunch, coffee, dinner, rent in arunachal ( 60, 50, 1380, 3000, 170, 50, 300, 500 )

13 dec - 
petrol, breakfast, coffee and dryfruit, maggi and local beer ( 800, 130, 220, 140, 

14 dec -
budweiser, dinner, rent, breakfast, omlet, fuel, room rent ( 600, 120, 40, 800, 500

15 Dec -
breakfast, lunch, petrol, tea, petrol ( 100, 100, 400, 20, 920 )

16 Dec -
breakast, coffee, chicken, corona, rent ( 100, 20, 100, 585, 985 )

17 Dec -
Breakfast, air, petrol, biryani,petrol, chaat, petrol ( 30, 10, 500, 200, 400, 40, 800

18 Dec -
rent, breakfast, dosa and sweet, momo, water bottle, dinner ( 600,  35, 130, 60, 20, 140 )